Monday, February 18, 2013

Yahoo! answer

Here's the solution:

The equation can be written as:

(x - 2)^2 + (y - 1)^2 = (5)^2
A circle's equation is
(x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = (r)^2, where (a, b) is the center and r is the radius

So, center is (2, 1) and radius is 5. => D

Hope it helps.

Good luck!!!

- urjnasw xkfjjkn

Yahoo! answer- urjnasw xkfjjkn


Here's the solution:

When a line intercepts x- axis, its y value is 0.

So, -4x + 5(0) = 16
=> -4x = 16
=> x = -4
=> X- intercept is (-4, 0)

Hope it helps.

Good luck!!!
- urjnasw xkfjjkn

Yahoo! answer- Urjnasw Xkfjjkn


Here's the solution:

Since the target line is perpendicular, its slope is -1/m, where m is the slope of the given line.
Slope- Intercept form is y = m*x + c, where m = slope and c = intercept
From the given equation, m = 1/8
So the slope of a line perpendicular to it = -1 / (1/8) = -8
So the target line is y = -8 * x + c' where c' = intercept.
This line passes through (2, -3).

So, -3 = -8 * 2 + c'
=> c' = 13
=> Equation of perpendicular line is y = -8*x + 13

Hope it helps.

Good Luck!!!
- urjnasw xkfjjkn

Yahoo! Answer- urjnasw xkfjjkn

Hi! Here's the solution:

Let's say the numbers are a and b.

a > b

Given that a + b = 101 / 10.

Suppose b = (9/10) * a

=>a + (9/10) * a = 101 / 10
=>(19* a)/ 10 = 101 / 10
=> 19* a = 101
=> a = 5.315789473684211
=> b = (9 / 10) * 5.315789473684211 = 4.784210526315789

Hope it helps.

Good luck!
 urjnasw xkfjjkn

Yahoo! Answer by urjnasw xkfjjkn

Hi! Here's the solution:

Let's say the numbers are a and b.

a > b

Given that a - b = 56 / 15.

Suppose b = (11/15) * a

=>a - (11/15) * a = 56 / 15
=>(4 * a)/ 15 = 56 / 15
=> 4 * a = 56
=> a = 14
=> b = (11 / 15) * 14 = 10.26667

Hope it helps.

Good luck!
 urjnasw xkfjjkn

Yahoo! Quesiton Answer

      Here's the solution:

f'(x) = -sin(sqrt(5x + 2)) * (d(sqrt(5x + 2)) / dx) (Chain Rule)
 = -sin(sqrt(5x + 2)) * (1/[2*sqrt(5x + 2)]) * d(5x + 2) / dx
=  -sin(sqrt(5x + 2)) * (1/[2*sqrt(5x + 2)]) *  5

Hope it helps.

Good luck!
urjnasw xkfjjkn

The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense is a product of the efforts of Pranav Mistry. It's a new technology based on gesture- recognition which allows users to do everyday activities with just gestures. Right now, the project is in the developmental stage but being open source, anyone can download the code  and play with it. Pranav Mistry has spoken at TED talks about this project. 

Here are a couple videos where he and his adviser Pattie Maes demonstrate the project:

Video 2 --->